In this dizzying digital age we receive more news than ever before. Populism, climate change, conflicts, societal changes and social relations, increasing competition, technological developments, having to achieve more with less….. it often feels as if the world is changing much more rapidly than we are equipped to deal with. Can this end well?
Peter ten Wolde is a keynote speaker who inspires his audience to look at the world from a different perspective, implementing a high-energy approach, humour and candid observations. As a researcher with broad interests, Peter looks at the world through different lenses like the circular economy, the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and TOC (Theory of Constraints, the management methodology by Dr. Eli Goldratt). Peter’s efforts are always aimed at helping people and organisations apply a mindset of ‘Observe, Think and Act differently’, enabling them to perform better.
A concept that seamlessly aligns with Peters theme ‘Observe, Think & Act differently’ is Factfulness. Factfulness is a practical method for critical thinking that provides a positive mindset for the organization of the future. During his talks Peter explains the mechanisms of pre-conceived ideas, how these shape your worldview, and a different way to handle these.
When one or more of the following topics are relevant for your organization, please don’t hesitate to contact Peter to discuss how a talk or workshop can add value to your people and organization:
- Change
- Handling uncertainty
- Innovation
- Observe differently
- Perception
- Personal effectiveness
- Thriving in a VUCA world (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous)
The world has infinitely changed since the prehistoric, while our brain has hardly evolved at all. It is therefore required to transcend our primal instincts to handle current reality
Factfulness is the legacy of Hans Rosling, the Swedish professor of International Health also known as the statistician who made ‘data sing’ via many TED talks and documentaries. Sadly, Hans passed away in 2017. His work is continued by the Gapminder Foundation, now led by his son Ola and daughter-in-law Anna.
The factfulness concept provides guidelines, through 10 rules of thumb, to obtain a clear and accurate fact-based worldview that everyone can understand. This leads to better decision making through informed changes to an outdated worldview. The 10 rules of thumb explain how our brain tends to respond to information and events. This tends to lead to misconceptions, no matter how well informed we are. Factfulness shows a different way to handle this. As a result, Factfulness is much more than just ‘data’ or ‘facts’: it provides a framework to improve the way we can manage the ever-increasing complexity of society.
Peter’s vision on how we can improve cooperation is closely aligned to the Factfulness concept. After Hans passed away in 2017, Peter made it his mission to continue to spread the Factfulness message. Originally Peter is an expert in management information. Peter has fulfilled various roles at diverse leading-edge software companies, using his technical knowledge and business acumen to support the sales process. For more than 20 years he consulted customers globally about topics like reporting, analysis, decision- and budgeting processes. Peter now applies his vast experience to the Factfulness concept.
Factfulness is about a lot more than just data, it deals with how you perceive the world and how you deal with it
Value proposition
Naturally your event (inspiration session, network event, conference, customer day, strategy session, team meeting, annual meeting or away day) must be successful. Obviously the content you provide your audience is current and relevant. The icing on the cake are those lectures that deliver new and refreshing insights. During your event a lecture about Factfulness is the perfect entertaining and informative keynote that makes your audience look at their environment in a different way. As a next step workshops can be used to deeply ingrain the principles of Factfulness in your organization. Peter’s talks and lectures are perfectly suited to support organizational and cultural change programmes.
In this digital age where the world seems to change at an ever increasing rate, it is more important than ever for organizations to be flexible and adapt to the current developments and transitions. Factfulness is a practical method for critical thinking and provides a positive mindset for the organization of the future, delivering these benefits:
- Increase the chance to correctly predict the future by obtaining a more nuanced view of the current reality.
- Improve decision making by looking differently at data, assumptions and long-term trends.
- Strengthen flexibility, collaboration and diversity in the organization by encouraging diversified ideas and perspectives.
- Enlarge the innovation and change capabilities of the organization by thinking off the beaten path.
- Various conferences and seminars
- City councils
- Education
- Event services
- Financials
- Housing associations
- IT consulting and implementation agencies
- Organization consulting agencies
- Safety and emergency services
- Trade, Transport and Industry
If your industry would not be listed here, please feel free to contact Peter to discuss the value that Factfulness can deliver for your organization.
In this video Peter explains in 2 minutes what his Factfulness presentation is about and the value it delivers to your audience.
Observe differently to spot new opportunities
Peter had the privilege to work with these people and is proud of what they said about him:

“It is very encouraging to see how Peter actually took us seriously when we called on everyone and said: “We’re sharing all our slideshows & tools, please help us spread the factfulness knowledge.” Peter is exactly doing what we hope many people will do. He actually read the book very carefully and he can teach others about factfulness just like we are doing at Gapminder. My father would have been proud.”
Ola Rosling
President – Gapminder

“I have come to know Peter as an inspired and active person within the Permanent Beta community. Within the community he has taken the stage multiple times to tell the Factfulness story. The content of his story is unbelievably relevant and important, on top of this Peter is also a fine person to work with. He is very flexible and always brings along a very sizeable portion of positivity!”
Kim van den Berg
Event & Project Organisation – Kim van den Berg Productions

“Peter lectured at the quarterly meeting of Business Plaza of Haarlem and Haarlemmermeer. Peter was funny, factual, and surprised us: we were presented multiple questions…. and we were way off! If you want to inspire your audience to look at current world developments with a different and positive approach, then the presentation of Peter is very much recommended”
Jennifer Delano
PR Goeroe – DelanoPR

“With a lot of passion Peter told the very relevant and inspirational Factfulness story during a Seats2Meet Business Event. The idea for this event arose quite impromptu and last-minute, the helpful and flexible attitude of Peter and the other speakers made it very easy to organise this event.”
Helma Schellen
Marketing Manager – Seats2meet Eindhoven, Den Bosch & Tilburg Spoorzone

“During the Financial Magement Day Peter ten Wolde delivered a very interesting talk about Factfulness. Peter confronted the audience with their pre-conceived ideas when dealing with facts, and how one is influenced by news items which focus on the exceptions rather than presenting the overall picture. Certainly recommended for finance professionals.”
Michael van Asperen
Head of Professionals Networks – Alex van Groningen BV

“Hundreds of our customers and business partners attend the leading event we organise annually. This year’s theme of the event was “The Future of Leadership”. Peter captivated the audience by showing in a very inspirational way how our perception of the environment is shaped by our background, education and what the media presents. With a lot of humor and spot-on examples Peter shows how applying the 10 principles of Factfulness results in more effective leadership. This session was long discussed afterwards. Even today we still receive enthusiastic reactions from our partners and customers about Peter’s talk.”
A selection of feedback from the audience:
Among others, Peter has lectured at:

Powerful visualisations of global developments
Introduction to factfulness and Peter ten Wolde in 2 minutes.
The factfulness presentation as delivered during the 13th edition of the Pecha Kucha series in Amersfoort. 20 slides, 20 seconds per slide (in Dutch).
An example of a Factfulness data visualisation: 219 years of history in less than 3 minutes. The global development of Life expectancy and Family size starting from 1800. (in Dutch, English subtitles available) (3 minutes)
The factfulness message in 7 minutes and 20 slides.
Short interview during Parksessies after a lecture for the Creative University Haarlem. (in Dutch, English subtitles available) (1 minuten 30)
Aftermovie: KNVI (Royal Dutch Society of Information professionals) Smart Humanity 2019 in Amsterdam (in Dutch, English subtitles available) (1 minute 30)
We need to learn to look differently

About Peter ten Wolde
Peter (1967) lectures about Factfulness.
As an expert on management information Peter has over 20 years international experience in technically commercial advisory roles for several software companies in the area of performance management. Since 2006 Peter works as independent advisor, researcher, sparring partner and public speaker.
Think differently, observe, experiment, trial & error, humor and apply a holistic view are central to his way of working. Jack of all trades. He improves results by connecting people.
Peter is a Fellow of the RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce).
For many years Peter has been a fan of Hans Rosling, the Swedish professor International Health and statistician that “made data sing” via many TED talks. Unfortunately Hans passed away in 2017. Peter firmly believes that if everyone applies the Factfulness concepts, the world would be a better place. It is for this reason that he exclusive conducts himself to spreading the Factfulness message ever since Hans passed away. He also cooperates with Gapminder, the foundation of the late Hans Rosling which is now lead by his son Ola en daughter-in-law Anna.

I’m not an optimist, I’m not a pessimist, I’m a possiblist
Peter is keen to talk about ‘Observe, Think & Act differently’ (in English or Dutch) during your next inspiration session, network event, conference, customer day, strategy session, team meeting, annual meeting or away day.
I welcome your request for more information via or +31 6 42 31 22 80.

The Speakers Academy (+31 10 – 433 33 22) manages the booking of Peter’s lectures.